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When will my product be shipped after my shopping?

Under normal circumstances, your order will be handed over to the carrier within 3 workdays however, due to certain restrictions which have been put into effect by carrier companies depending on the branches under the Pandemics circumstances the handing over period may vary regionally. So, this period may vary between 1 to 10 workdays.

Where from can I follow up the delivery status of my orders?

You can control your orders under the headings My Account, My Orders and can view the status of your orders as well.

When I have completed my order how will I follow up my cargo information?

You can view your respective orders in the “My Account” page and follow up the delivery status of your order under the heading My Orders. You will be notified by e-mail when your order is handed over to the carrier company.

I want to change the delivery address of my order, what shall I do?

You can change your address subject to the order from the “My Addresses” section which takes place in the “My Account” page or you can tick the “I want to assign a new address” button during your shopping and can assign your new address. This address will appear as your delivery address for your forthcoming order. During the order placement process, you can change your delivery address for the respective order. However, such change will not be reflected in the My Account page and will be applicable for the respective order only. For any address changes related to the orders which you have ordered you can contact us.

What shall I do if I will not receive my order?

The carrier company delivers your order to the address specified by you. If you cannot be reached at your address the staff who has brought your cargo will leave a note stating that you can collect your delivery from the nearest Aras Kargo branch. You can follow up the status of your cargo by clicking the “Cargo Follow Up” link in the “My Orders” section of the “My Account” page.